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  • Free Membership

    For Non-Performers Only
    Free Plan
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    X- Rated Adult Content Is NOT Allowed.
    Valid for one month
    • This Plan Allows for the Posting of Your Events
    • X- Rated Adult Content Is NOT Allowed.
  • Sell Your Music

    Sell your music.
    Valid for 10 years
    • Sell your music.
  • Silver Membership

    Every year
    Performers Yearly Plan
    • List In Four (4) Genre Categories
    • List Act Website for potential talent buyers to view
    • List Short and Long Biography
    • Upload One Promo Video for each Genre Category
    • Upload Act Profile Image
    • Member Community Networking Forums
  • Gold Membership

    Every year
    Performers Yearly Plan
    • List In Ten (10) Genre Categories
    • Upload Act Videos In Community Spotlight Forum
    • Post Events
    • List Act Website for potential talent buyers to view
    • List Short and Long Biography
    • Upload Promo Video for each Genre Category
    • Upload Act Profile Image for each Genre Category
    • Member Community Networking Forums
    • Four Promotional MP3 Uploads
  • Platinum Membership

    Every year
    Performers Yearly Plan
    • List In Twenty (20) Genre Categories
    • Acts Merchandise Market Place
    • Featured Acts Category
    • Upload Act Videos in Community Spotlight Forum
    • Post Events
    • List Act Website for potential talent buyers to view
    • List Short and Long Biography
    • Upload Promo Video for each Genre Category
    • Upload Act Profile Image for each Genre Category
    • Member Community Networking Forums
  • Silver Membership

    Every 6 months
    Performers 6-month Plan
    • List In Four (4) Genre Categories
    • List Act Website for potential talent buyers to view
    • List Short and Long Biography
    • Upload One Promo Video for each Genre Category
    • Upload Act Profile Image
    • Member Community Networking Forums
  • Gold Membership

    Every 6 months
    Performers 6-month Plan
    • List In Ten (10) Genre Categories
    • Upload Act Videos In Community Spotlight Forum
    • Post Events
    • List Act Website for potential talent buyers to view
    • List Short and Long Biography
    • Upload Promo Video for each Genre Category
    • Upload Acts Profile Image for each Genre Category
    • Member Community Forums
    • Four MP3 Promotional Uploads
  • Platinum Membership

    Every 6 months
    Performers 6-month Plan
    • List In Twenty (20) Genre Categories
    • Acts Merchandise Market Place
    • Featured Acts Category
    • Upload Acts Videos in Community Spotlight Forum
    • Post Events
    • List Act Website for potential talent buyers to view
    • List Short and Long Biography
    • Upload Promo Video for each Genre Category
    • Upload Act Profile Image for each Genre Category
    • Member Community Networking Forums
  • Silver Membership

    Every month
    Performers Monthly Plan
    • List In Four (4) Genre Categories
    • List Act Website for potential talent buyer to view
    • Include Short and Long Biography
    • Upload One Promo Video for each Genre Category
    • Upload Act Profile Image
    • Member Community Networking Forums
  • Gold Membership

    Every month
    Performers Monthly Plan
    • List In Ten (10) Genre Categories
    • Upload Act Videos In Entertainers Spotlight Forum
    • Post Events
    • List Act Website for potential talent buyers to view
    • List Short and Long Biography
    • Upload Promo Video for each Genre Category
    • Upload Acts Profile Image for each Genre Category
    • Member Community Forums
    • Four MP3 Promotional Uploads
  • Platinum Membership

    Every month
    Performers Monthly Plan
    • List In Twenty (20) Genre Categories
    • Acts Merchandise Market Place
    • Featured Acts Category
    • Upload Acts Videos in Community Spotlight Forum
    • Post Events
    • List Act Website for potential talent buyers to view
    • List Short and Long Biography
    • Upload Promo Videos for each Genre Category
    • Upload Act Profile Image for each Genre Category
    • Member Community Networking Forums
  • Featured Artist(s) Page

    Every year
    +$35 Featured Artist(s) Page
    X- Rated Adult Content Is NOT Allowed.
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